Thursday, December 15, 2011

Here's the text of our latest effort to invite our neighbors to visit Landmark. If you are visiting this site and live here in the Rockwall, TX area, please accept this invitation. We would love to share what God is doing with you and your family.


December 12, 2011

Dear Neighbor,

Hello, from the newest church in Rockwall, TX! As pastor of Landmark Fellowship, I would like to introduce myself and invite you to join us. We have been holding services for just over four months. We began on August 7, 2011, and we have been growing ever since!

Landmark Fellowship is a family-centered church, and we would love for you to visit and experience the power and presence of God.

Sunday mornings are a special time of worship and teaching, beginning at 10:30 a.m. At Landmark we sing a blend of modern worship choruses, along with established church hymns. Then we move into a time of teaching and preaching the Word of God. It is our belief that the Word of God is as powerful and relevant in this contemporary time as it has ever been.

Wednesdays are dedicated to children. Children’s Church is a great time of singing, puppets, clowns, and games. We start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and are finished by 8:00 p.m., with transportation available for your convenience. So please let us know if your child is interested.

Each Tuesday evening we have a group meeting where we discuss the end-time prophecies of the Bible. Perhaps you would like to join us as we enjoy the teaching of Rev. Irvin Baxter.

With the holidays upon us, we simply want to let you know that we are here. We would be honored to have you come visit us during the next few days and weeks.

On December 24, we will be having a special Christmas Eve service. It will be a warm time of carols, celebration, and communion beginning at 6:00 p.m. until 7:15 p.m.

You may visit our website at and join our monthly newsletter for more updates and information if you are interested.

We pray the Lord’s richest blessings upon you and yours.


Rev. Lee E. Wells, Pastor

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